Sunday, June 9, 2013


So much has happened in the past year. It's literally been over a year since I posted on this blog. But now I'm going through changes in my life that a year ago I didn't think would ever happen. I worked on Barack Obama's reelection campaign very shortly after I stopped blogging on this blog. I spent four months of my life dedicated to winning the November 2012 election. And guess what? We did it. I met some very amazing people (one of which just happens to be pretty special to me and the entire reason why I moved to Boston, but I'll get to that shortly) and we did some pretty amazing things for Southwest Virginia. I slept (and many of my co-workers) slept on the couch in my office, we entered data for hours, yet we were family.

And I definitely met Joe Biden. He tots kissed me on the forehead too.

To even attempt to rehash the last year of my life in one blog post would be nearly impossible. So many emotions, events, new friends, new homes..

Speaking of new homes: I moved to Boston in February.
 Right before the Nemo blizzard. The day before in fact. Talk about timing, huh? I moved to work for a Senate special election candidate on his finance team. We lost, so if you pay attention to Massachusetts politics you'll know who I worked for. And I experienced the Boston Marathon bombing crisis right along with the rest of Boston and, after battling extreme homesickness, I finally felt at home when I experienced the sense of community and coming together that happened in Boston post-manhunt.

So yeah, to say that the last year has been full of changes would not be a crazy statement. I am restarting this blog mostly for myself, because I can't quite seem to figure myself out after all of these changes. But then again, I am 23. I have a lot more changing left to do.

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